Visual Artist - Chile.
Individual exhibition Open studios GlogauAIR Artist residency
Performance + 3 monotypies of charcoal powder
Berlin, Germany
"Walk so silently that the bottoms of your feet become ears"
Pauline Oliveros
Sonic Meditations
Charcoal powder
Charcoal bars
Fabriano paper 220 gramos
160 x 100 cm
Berlin, Germany
In this performance, a visual and sound experience is created through the movement of the body to draw with charcoal on the plane of paper. Slowly and precisely, the edges of the paper are demarcated and then the charcoal is spread in diagonal and curved lines that induce the artist and the audience into a deep state of consciousness. The sound produced by the nails against the glass of the jar generates a kind of ritual drum. As Morales Leiva intensifies his movements towards a converging spiral, concentration and precision become even more important. Finally, with his feet, he breaks sticks of compacted charcoal and spreads it in a spiral of expansion that erases all previous strokes. The audience experiences a sense of healing through mindfulness of the present moment and attention to body, mind and spirit.
Charcoal powder
Fabriano paper 220 grams
150 x 120 cm each
Serialized work in edition of 3
Drawing, printmaking, performance and meditation come together to give life to this work. To achieve the essence of monocopy, the artist induces his mind and body into a trance-like state through meditation. With the paper base laid out on the floor, he draws with his feet, slowly rubbing powdered charcoal.
Once you have finished the drawing, you proceed to copy. Placing another sheet of paper over the original drawing, he passes his feet over the paper again, thus sealing the image in a ritual experience.
Each print has a lesser amount of pressure exerted on the paper, allowing for the creation of more delicate and subtle images.
Set-up at the GlogauAIR Open Studio in Residence, Berlin, Germany, 2022
Set-up at the GlogauAIR Open Studio in Residence, Berlin, Germany, 2022
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Alemania, 2022
Details, 1/3
Alemania, 2022